About Ubook

We are a streaming audiobook subscription service: you subscribe and unlimited access to our collection to listen to more than 10,000 titles - Books, magazines, podcasts, etc. - of various categories and languages on our platform. By signing up, you can listen to as many audiobooks as you want, whether on your smartphone, tablet, notebook or desktop. The audios are available on a virtual shelf, just play and start listening! 
The app has the option of offline synchronization (which allows you to listen without internet), Sleep function (you can program how long the content you are listening to should stop playing), Ubook Kids (exclusive area full of children's content), among others.
You can listen on your computer, tablet or cell phone. Through our website (www.ubook.com) or by Android devices (4.0.3 or higher) / IOS (8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch).
You can choose between the following payment methods:

  • Via iTunes: For your Apple device (directly from the application), register and sign up for a monthly fee of USD 9.99.
  • Via credit card: Simply access our website (www.ubook.com), click on "Make a Part" and then on "Sign" in the "Via Credit Card" option, register and make your subscription in the monthly amount of R $ 24.90.
  • Via operator: Just send the word UB to the number 55678 (for operators Oi, TIM and Claro) or for the number 99057 (for the Vivo operator). Signature in the weekly value of $ 4.99.