About DraftKings

DraftKings is recognized internationally as a provider of fantasy sports-related contests. DraftKings subscribers enter fantasy sport contests organized in major leagues in virtually all sports. Currently, DraftKings has over 8 million subscribers who engage in fantasy sports betting, which is a significant percentage of the market share.

DraftKings Affiliate program let’s you profit from the fantasy sports betting industry. If you have a website, or a YouTube channel, or even your Facebook page, that is themed on fantasy sports, or betting, or gambling for that matter, DraftKings will let you monetize that space and traffic. You can earn quite a substantial amount of money in commissions (up to 40%!) from promoting DraftKings and driving traffic to their site.

DraftKings Products

With DraftKings affiliate program, you can earn a 40% commission in the first month of every new referral, and thereafter get 25% commission based on the referral’s Net Revenue. And considering the wide range of products available, from football, golf, MMA, basketball, soccer and many more, plus the millions of fans who enjoy these sports, it means you will never run out of options for suitable products to promote and if you hit the right margins in terms of conversions and sale percentage, you will earn a good income. Furthermore, there are competitive sports organized under many active tournaments, and fans are allover are searching for suitable online spots to engage in fantasy sports betting. If your web page/blog’s audience follow these sports, then you should have signed up for DraftKings affiliate program by now.

Earning Money With DraftKings' Affiliate Program

First, you need to sign up to be an affiliate with DraftKings. To register, log on to Drafkings official site and follow the affiliates sign up link. Registration is an easy process and once completed, you’ll be on course to earning income through commissions from sales generated from your affiliate links. The commission rate of DraftKings is just incredible. For the first 30 days of new subscribers you bring in through your affiliate links, you get to earn up to 40% in commission from the net revenues of the subscriber. After that, you will be paid 25% in commission, which is still quite significant. If you want to earn these commissions by being an affiliate of DraftKings, join the DraftKings affiliate program today.

Is It Profitable To Partner With DraftKings Affiliates?

Where else can you earn commissions of up to 40%? That can translate to a load of pay if the affiliate marketing is done well and the ad creatives are effectively designed. Moreover, if you consider the industry of fantasy sport betting and how popular it has become in recent years, there is a huge potential of earning money as an affiliate of DraftKings by bringing in new referrals. If your web page has a huge following, and a percentage of them are fans of fantasy sports betting, chances are that you will make a lot of commission by bringing players to participate in fantasy sports on DraftKings.

Target Audience

DraftKings pays out commission for new subscribers and the percentage is quite motivating. If you have a blog with many followers, you can consider targeting those interested in fantasy sports, irrespective of their specialty (some prefer soccer, others basketball) and introducing them to DraftKings.

For each new subscription that is confirmed from your affiliate links, you will earn 40% of the net revenues the referrals will bring in during the first 30 days of their subscription, and 25% commission thereafter. So, you need to sign up for DraftKings affiliate program because it is a good revenue generating project.