Volagratis.com is part of lastminute.com group, the European leader in the online travel and leisure sector. The group wants to propose itself as a smart travel provider, exploiting technological innovations in order to simplify the life of travelers.
Thanks to its brand portfolio such as lastminute.com, Bravofly, Rumbo, Volagratis and Jetcost, the wide range of the group is able to meet all the needs of travelers. Customers can search, book flights, hotels, holidays, short stays, cruises, car rentals and choose many other products and services related to travel and leisure.
Over 10 million customers in 35 countries annually book their travels through websites and mobile applications available in 15 languages.
Volagratis was born in 2004 as the first search engine for low cost flights on the Italian market. Today it is part of lastminute.com group based in Chiasso, Switzerland.