Про Avast

Since we have more than 400 million users and 28 years of experience in data protection, Avast software products and solutions always meet the highest requirements of the IS industry. We make every effort to make the most modern means of protecting information available for professional and home use, so that no one is left without protection. Join our affiliate program is not only a chance to earn, but also an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of Internet security!

What are the advantages of the Avast affiliate program?
A wide range of banners and text links to choose from
Exclusive offers for partners, promotion, mailings and promotions
You can earn special rewards with good results
Become a member of the program is easy - fill out the form, wait for approval and start earning with us.
You earn a commission of 25% from each sold license with a grace period of 45 days
For each banner there is a 90-day validity period for the referral link.
How it works?
After agreeing, you can start using Avast banners and links. You can post them on your website or use them in other promotional channels, for example, in mailing lists, search results, etc.
If the user goes to the link and makes a purchase within 90 days from the beginning of the campaign, you will receive a commission of 25% of the purchase price.
The funds will be credited monthly to your partner account.