Про Bitplay Club

Bitplay Club Lottery is an online bitcoin lottery, built on the basis of blockbuster. The technology of blocking allows you to organize a lottery with transparent results of draws, a transparent prize fund and a huge jackpot in bitcoins. 
The lottery itself is, in fact, a classic lottery in which you need to guess the numbers to win, but the company declares with 100% certainty that it has improved the lottery in all possible plans.
Bitplay uses an open source formula to generate winning numbers - a formula that anyone can verify personally. This formula takes certain block data from the block and uses them to calculate winning numbers.
Everyone knows that for today there are a lot of lotteries on the market, but they do not give you an opportunity to check the fairness of the draws. Bitplay provides such an opportunity! The company has made an improved, convenient product, with the ability to verify the honesty and transparency of the results, a product that will surely receive the recognition of all those who love lotteries!