Про TemplateMonster

Template Monster is the home of more than 27, 000 premium website templates to fit any business interest. The company was founded more than 14 years ago and has concentrated on helping businesses design and create wonderful and professional websites. So far since its founding, Template Monster have helped over 2 million businesses revamp their online presence by creating beautiful websites that serve their purpose well. You can buy templates from Template Monster at an affordable price, and you can customize that template to suit all your business needs.

Template Monster Affiliate Offers

Now there is another alternative for raking in the commissions, and this is through the Template Monster affiliate program. Template Monster wants to put some money in your pocket, but only if you are willing to work for it (of cos nothing comes for free in the business world). How the affiliate program works is simple: use your website or social media platform to recommend products of Template Monster to your audience and friends, and for every purchase that is generated from your promotional efforts, you can earn a 5% commission. You can raise this commission by increasing the rate of conversion and facilitating more sales from your affiliate marketing endeavors.

How To Start And Earn With Template Monster Affiliate Program

To start earning with Template Monster, log on to their official site and submit an application. The registration process is fast, easy to complete, and absolutely free! You will not loser anything in joining this program. In fact, you will gain a lot considering the commissions on offer.

Anyone can become an affiliate with Template Monster. If you are a blogger, there is an option for you, which is just to recommend Template Monster to your audience and friends. If you are a web designer, you can be an affiliate through designing widgets that drive traffic to Template Monster. Literally anyone with a presence online can earn money from Template Monster by promoting their offers on their personal web pages and other social media platforms.

What Are The Advantages Of Being Template Monster Affiliate?

One of the benefits you can accrue from this arrangement is the fact that you get to earn an extra income from your blog by recommending Template Monster products to your audience. Any project that brings in money is a benefit, and you would not want to pass this opportunity that can guarantee you big payout if you engage your marketing strategies accordingly. Another advantage is that you get to have all the affiliate marketing tools generated for you, including the banners and the display ad codes, which is a pretty tough task to do by yourself. Template Monster ensures that you have a smooth ride as an affiliate, from the sign up to the earning phase.

Progressive Commission Plan:

  • 0-19 sales per month = 30% commission rate

  • 20-199 = 35%

  • 200-299 = 40%

  • 300-499 = 45%

  • 500+ = 50%

Who Are The Consumers Of Template Monster Products?

Consumers of Template Monster products include those small businesses that need website on a budget. The templates on Template Monster can be customized to suit any business need, and within a short time, a business can have their website up and running. You need to recommend Template Monster to this target market to ensure that you earn a substantial amount when payday comes.

Оффери TemplateMonster
Template Monster
Онлайн сервіси / Веб-дизайн і SEO