supplies all types of fashionable clothing, shoes, jewels, sexy lingeries and other accessories. They focus on high quality, keep an eye on every detail and follow the tide of the world, so they update their products everyday. They pride on offering exceptional low wholesale price and good quality at the same time. They provide fantastic service and still work hard to improve.
They have own factory in Guangzhou and Shanghai. In order to provide more styles (more than 6000 styles ), they ally with many clothing, handbag and shoes manufacturers specializing in producing export in Jiangsu, Guangzhou and Zhejiang of China, which enables to provide trendy styles in massive amount and in remarkably low wholesale price.
They bring you an amazing assortment of products in many brands and styles, and 90% similarity with beautys on famous fashion magazines.
90% of LovelyWholesale’s new customers would place their second order. Company is one of the most reliable fashion wholesalers and want to create long-term and concrete relationship with customers.