Affiliate ProgramsAdvertisersНациональный кредит
About Национальный кредит

The National Loan specializes in mortgaging, leasing services and raising funds from individuals. We believe that relations should be predictable and transparent, so we try to make even complex financial decisions understandable.
over 18 years of age
Loan term: From 5 to 140 days
Having a citizenship of the Russian Federation (or other countries with a notarized transfer of a passport, residence permit)
Having a vehicle
Vehicle (Vehicle):
On the run
There is a PTS
Estimated cost not less than 80 000 rubles (not less than 100 000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg)
Treatment is considered substandard if:
For a client under 18 years of age
Customer - legal entity
The client is not a citizen of the Russian Federation and does not have a notarized translation of the passport
The customer does not have a TS
Vehicle is not on the move.

Missing PTS
• estimated value of less than 80,000 rubles (less than 100,000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg)
PostClick cookie: 30 days
Acceptable traffic sources:
Banner advertising
Contextual advertising
Email - Newsletter (agreement)
Traffic from the social. networks
Teaser advertising
Search (seo)
Contextual advertising for the brand
Websites 18+
E-mailing list (spam)
Motivating traffic
It is forbidden to redirect (pop-up, clickunder and other formats of advertising, in which the site is viewed without the direct participation (consent) of the user.